
Thursday 23 July 2015

Dewey Decimal System


Non-fiction books are arranged on the shelves numerically.
The books are given a decimal number according to their subject.

Try putting these numbers in order.

  1. 001 2. 362 3. 500 4. 593.9
5. 610 6.629.2 7.737.5 8. 745.5
9. 808.8 10. 994

Look through the non-fiction shelves in the library.  What subjects do you find at these numbers.

004 - Data processing Computer science
796.3 - Athletics, outdoor sports & games
500 - Natural sciences & mathematics
821 -  English poetry
993.1 - New zealand history

At what Dewey Decimal number would you find the following subjects:

Myths and Legends? - 753

Fashion? - 687

Inventions? - 608

Birds? - 598

Fairy tales? - 398

The Part Adder

This is two screen shots that I took showing two different ways to solve what 18 + 8 is in a easier way.  The people that helped me was Inotia and Jericho.

Friday 3 July 2015

Blog commenting

These are my blog comments on other peoples blog. I did this because I wanted to help people fix

 their mistakes and get better on posts.